The Spaces = FACEG. SPACE = FACE, + 'gee'.
Middle F = Space 1 = 4 string, fret 3.
Middle A = Space 2 = 3 string, fret 2.
High C = Space 3 = 2 string, fret 1.
High G = Space 5 [+1 pace] = 1 string, fret 3.
We already know the 'top' space [space 4], High E.
Play these 5 tones while saying the following [go through each point for all 5]:
See the note-head in its space, in your mind, as you say any of the information on the list.
Also notice that FACE is a frettable F chord [FMaj7]. And, FACG is also a chord...Fadd9.
Do this until you know that you know it.