Scales and modes exist to create melodies. They are also wonderful training tools. Train smart & sing through your instrument. If you can sing it, you can play it.
For learning to be melodic using scale and modes, check out the Jam Audio Tracks in the Nucleus.
Prerequisite session from Fretting in Techniques.: Open & Closed • Fretting Confidence • Two basic states of a string. Know that tones are going to work.
Starter Riff • You know it.
Scale Definition
Starter Exercises
Process for Scales
E Major Scale in a Line • Get started with a Major scale on a single string. 221-2221.
The Pull • [the pull is a type of slur • also in Fretting]
Pull Exercise using E Major Scale in a Line
EON for for E Major Linear Scale [This standalone session is also listed in Chords. It is not in the Next and Previous navigation for either.]
Figuring Out Melodies • First tones are given. Use your ear to map the remainder. Do this!
Melody Answer • You got this.
Pentatonic Scales
Em-G Pentatonic, Frame One
E Blues • Adding a B♭ to the Em Pentatonic
Adding Tones to Em-G Pentatonic • One way to create modes
C Major Scale • Linear on Strings 2 & 5, and in First Position.
P1 Training Goal & Big Goal • Return to the big goal until you have it.
Tones Against E Major & E minor Experiment
Moving Frame One of the Pentatonic to A minor & C Major = +5 frets
Adding Tones to Am-C Pentatonic
G Major Scale • F-sharp instead of F • one tone different from C Major - also see Chords in G Major